Collins Tower

Miami, Florida, USA
Architects Roberto Espejo
Mark Hesselgrave
Gregorio Vasquez
Hermann Rosenthal
This tower was designed to join the Collins Avenue circuit, maintaining the aesthetic harmony that characterizes this district, mainly based on elementary geometry (cubes, spheres and straight lines)
Being located in one of the most desirable neighborhoods in the district of Miami, it maintains some control over height, a condition that breaks open and releases into the street at the base of the building, giving to human perception an open facade, creating an atrium, whose plane above the building incorporates the urban interface of the building
This levity is lost as it rises. The structures that define the building’s appearance seem to be assembled parts, which are able to give the sense of physicality to the building.
The closure of the textures or exterior of the building generates different degrees of permeability from the conditions inside while keeping the visual domain to the outside.